Battery Bullets is a passive item and a bullet upgrade. When wielded by the Robot, combines with Junk to increase all damage output. They typically bear the appearances and effects of different passive and active items from Enter and Exit the Gungeon. Under the control of a targeting AI it becomes fearsome indeed. When. Armored Corps - If the player also has Void Core Assault Rifle, both guns gain increased. Crescent Crossbow is a gun that fires medium-size stars that split into 3 smaller bouncing stars upon contact. Increases damage by 10%. Adds a 10% chance to negate damage. * 2 points of coolness are granted per point of curse. The gun has very high recoil, propelling the player backwards with each shot. This item is. You're better off with Seeker round and Pen that ignore armor. The Robot starts with this item. Robot's Right Hand is a gun. Machine Fist is a gun that alternates between firing a gatling gun, and a single shot exploding rocket punch that is guided by the player's cursor upon reloading. The beam damage multiplier sometimes granted by Vorpal Bullets does not stack with the beam damage multipliers of Shock Rounds, Flak Bullets, Explosive Rounds, Shadow. Cactus Flower / Vegetables - If the player has Cactus, it has a chance to fire a prickly pear that bounces off walls and fires needles in. Explosive Rounds Rank: A How to Unlock: Unlocked from the start. Throws a bomb that explodes after a short delay, dealing 60 damage. Bomberpal - If the player has Lil' Bomber, it fires two bombs instead of one,. AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. Causes water that bullets pass over to become electrified, damaging enemies. The rocket. Sixth Chamber is a passive item. The explosions deal 25 damage. Increases damage by 30%, magazine size by 50%, spread by 50%, decreases reload time by 33%, and slows down enemy bullets by 20% when one of the guns is held. When fully charged, the gun will fire a large star for 3 ammo which splits into 10 medium-size stars, which in turn split into 3 smaller stars, filling the room with projectiles. If you get surrounded, unless you hug turrets all day, a plasma will not save you. It prevents the usual curse penalty towards getting a room clearing reward. If the player is armored, it fires fast, piercing, high-damage blue bullets with a slower rate of fire and strong knockback. Bomb is an active item. RPG is a gun that fires explosive rocket-propelled grenades that accelerate over a short distance. Increases movement speed by 1. . The items provide a wide range of buffs, assistance, and plot-related help for getting to the bottom of the Gungeon and finding the gun that can kill the past! EtG 2016-04-16 13-04-22. The Robot starts. Decreases shot spread by 50%, doubling accuracy. After the research is finished, you can head to your Weapons Workshop within the bunker to equip explosive rounds on any gun. Explosive Rounds is a passive item and a bullet upgrade. It is a simple projectile delivery system. All guns come in 5 "types": Automatic, which automatically fire bullets when holding down the shoot button and generally have large. Due to the. If the player also has Roll Bomb, it will split into seven homing roll bombs when the RPG is equipped; however, they cannot actually hit enemies. Gives a 1/100 chance to deal 1. Coolness decreases the cooldown of active items and increases the chance of items dropping upon clearing a room. Despite its downsides, the gun has among the highest DPS in the game, making it useful for hit-and-run tactics. Powerups last different. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the. Note that the weapon needs to be upgraded to at least level 2, so. Broccoli is a passive item. that &^#$# 'pizza' - If the player also has RPG, RPG's rockets are replaced with a rocket fist that can be guided, and Machine Fist's bullets bounce twice and gain slight homing. This effect can only be triggered a maximum of once per second, making it seem like slower fire rate weapons have a higher. If the player has no armor, it fires low-damage purple bullets with a high rate of fire. Wiki Link: Explosive Rounds-A Tier Item -Adds a chance to fire bullets that explode when hitting an enemy or object -The explosions deal 25 damage -The chance is higher for. Adds an 8. . Also, lining them up with the low mobility of an engineer is a shitty pipe dream - Swarmers are an issue. Hardwood - If the player has Mahoguny, the gun fires four explosive pinecones at a time. The player can carry an unlimited number of guns. Increases curse by 2. There are currently 243 guns in the game total, including 191 base game guns, 15 guns that were added in the update, 15 guns that were added in the update, and 22 guns that. Anti-Aircraft - If the player has Flak Bullets, rockets spawn seven homing flak bullets on impact. Buster Gun - If. Removed: - If the player has Shock Rifle, shot. See moreShot Across The Bow - If the player has Rocket-Powered Bullets, Air Strike, iBomb Companion App, or Explosive Rounds, the Gunbow will fire rockets that explode on. Coolness increases as curse increases. Explosive chemical rounds will and do zero Friendly Fire, 4m radius, fear. 25x more damage. Ghost Bullets Rank: C How to Unlock: Unlocked from the start. png EtG 2016. Guns are the player's primary method of attacking enemies, and can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. Powerups are temporary boosts in Exit the Gungeon that spawn at random in the Elevators. Reliable, but its short barrel is lacking in intricacy. Since active items do not exist in Exit the Gungeon, powerups are the only way to attain certain effects. 5% chance to fire bullets that explode upon hitting an enemy or object. Alien Engine is a gun with a very short range, only damaging enemies that come into contact with the muzzle flash. Alpha Bullets Rank: A How to. Alas, Sniperion - If the player also has Crown of Guns, Crown of Guns. Grants immunity to electrified water. Once Shockwave has been encountered, Shock Rounds' chains may sometimes appear red, and segments of the Shockwave itself may likewise appear blue. The right hand of an assault robot that fled to the Gungeon. Enemies damaged have a chance to catch on fire.